We had a really big junk table this time (Oh, I mean free table). |
View of the free table from other end. |
People digging through the junk. |
Peter Kilian with his pile of junk he collected. |
Ron Jesme drove in his Carpet Rover in preparation for the Science Museum Challenge. |
A closeup of the Carpet Rover. |
Dan Larson's NED showed up. |
The three robots lined up. |
Bill Arden is checking out Jeff Sampson's Earth Explorer robot. |
Dan Larson brought his packet radio setup. Here I think he was explaining 'Oooh baby'. |
This end of the packet radio has a radio, a convertor box and a laptop computer. |
This end of the packet radio has a radio, a convertor box, a Palm Pilot and a REALLY cold bottle of Coke. |
The packet radio is trying to say something. |
Bruce Shapiro brought his egg plotter. |
The egg plotter in action. |
Bill Arden is collecting parts for his next robot. |
Jeff Sampson brought his new wireless network stuff. |
Peter Kilian is ready to battle those software bugs. |
Peter had red and blue hair. But we weren't quite sure why. |