Standard Etch-A-Sketch knobs are replaced by nylon gears
The otherwise-unmodified Etch-A-Sketch
rests on the gears of the drive unit
The Linux-based program runs
on Alan's new Pentium II motherboard
An under-damped step function
on the Etch-A-Sketch
Russ Kuenzi's robot
Russ Kuenzi's robot
Two of Jeff Hove's toy robots
and some books
Jeff Hove's toy robot
Jeff Martin's animatronic head
Jeff Martin's animatronic head
Jeff Martin's animatronic head
Jeff Hove's early "Palm Walker"
Alan Kilian starting his motor
control talk about PIC-SERVOs
and an Etch-A-Sketch |
Intense discussion about
some square things
Two PIC-SERVOS on protoboard
used for Alan's demo. This is
actually from Jeff Sampson's
"Research 2" robot |
Alan explains the finer points
of the PIC servo controller to
the assembled group